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The Industrial Technology Institute (ITI) is a statutory board, was established on 01st April 1998 under the Science and Technology Act No. 11 of 1994. It is the successor to the Ceylon Institute of Scientific and Industrial Research (CISIR), which was established in 1955 under the Parliament Act No 15 of 1955 (CISIR Act), with the objective of supporting industrial development in the country. ITI is the leading national R&D and Technical Services provider and has well-trained scientists and technical staff who contribute significantly to the national science and technology development initiatives of Sri Lanka on a wide range of disciplines.

Why Choose Us

Government-owned Institute

Latest Knowledge and Technological Solutions

Accredited and Multidisciplinary R&D Laboratory facilities

Industry-specific Expertise and Skilled Staff

High Acceptance

Quality Assurance

What We Offer

The Research and Development Division of ITI is one of the largest and most diverse scientific research bases in Sri Lanka. Our research is multi-disciplinary in nature, and fully equipped to foster industrial growth, based on the needs of the country and also to support the research needs of the scientific community.
The Industrial Technology Institute also functions as Sri Lanka’s premier analytical services center that provides state-of-the-art services in the areas of chemical, physical and microbiological testing.
Technology Transfer (TT) disseminates ITI's R&D innovations in Food, Herbal, Material, and Biotech to industries, especially MSMEs/SMEs, facilitating commercialization and fostering economic development in the country.
ITI conducts technical training programmes, seminars, workshops and certificate courses including NVQ (National Vocational Qualifications) and tailor made courses to fulfil industry requirements in a diversity of science and technology themes.
Consultancy services are provided to establish new industries and upgrade existing industries and laboratory infrastructure. In addition consultancy in environmental pollution control & mitigation and troubleshooting industry related issues are undertaken.
ITI undertakes customized research/projects for industries, SMEs, national and international entities based on contract agreements to solve their technical and technological issues / problems

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Director General
Colombo Office
Malabe Office
+94-11- 2797310

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Right to Information Act, No 12 of 2016