The library of Peradeniya University originated in 1921 as the library of the Ceylon University College. The Library was shifted to Peradeniya in 1952 and was moved to the present premises in 1960. After moving to Peradeniya, the library developed into a library network comprising the Main Library and seven other branch libraries, namely Agriculture, Science, Medical, Engineering, Vet Medical, Allied Health Science and Dental libraries. The ninth library is attached to the sub-campus, Faculty of Agriculture in Mahailuppallama. The branch libraries are located in their respective faculties. The Main Library can be accessed by proceeding along the new Galaha road, passing the entrance to the Arts Theatre and turning right to the Senate building.
Peradeniya University Library Network is considered as the oldest and the largest University library in Sri Lanka.
This is an institutional repository of research publications produced by academic and research staff of our university.
Search DlibThis is an institutional repository of research publications produced by academic and research staff of our university.
Search DlibThis is an institutional repository of research publications produced by academic and research staff of our university.
Search DlibThe University of Peradeniya Library has now established a Centralized Document Delivery Service through email aiming to fulfill the information needs of our academics, students and researchers.
More InformationInter Library Loan is a service that will assist users in obtaining research materials that are not available in the library though available in other libraries.
More InformationIf you have a library-related enquiry you can ask for assistance at the Helpdesk of the University of Peradeniya Library.
More InformationMay 29, 2021
Dr. P. Anandakumar, a renowned Professor in Tamil at the Department of Tamil, Gandhigram Rural Institute – Deemed to be University in Gandhigram, Tamil Nadu, India, recently conducted an lecture as part of the 9th installment in the Library Seminar Series...
April 8, 2021
This Festschrift was presented in parallel to the commencement of Centenary Celebration of University of Peradeniya Library on 08.04.2021 in recognition of contributions made to the Field of Library and Information Science and Librarianship by Mr. NTSA Senadeera, the 5th Librarian of University of Peradeniya (1982-2002)...