NBRO Newsletter | Volume 19 - Issue 02
Dear Esteemed Readers,
Welcome to the second issue of Volume 19 of the NBRO Newsletter.
The second quarter of 2024 presented significant challenges for the NBRO, primarily due to the prevailing southwest monsoon conditions. These conditions necessitated a robust landslide risk management approach to safeguard residents in landslide-prone districts. I am proud to report that our efforts in this area have been both comprehensive and impactful, ensuring the safety and well-being of those most at risk.
This edition of the newsletter highlights the key events and achievements of NBRO during this challenging period. Notably, we have entered in to important collaborations, engaged in policy interventions, conducted knowledge-sharing sessions, and organized community-oriented activities. Additionally, we celebrated major religious events, reinforcing our commitment to the community we serve.
Our dedication to research and development, coupled with a comprehensive range of services, continues to establish NBRO as a leader in Sri Lanka's building and construction sector. From testing and consultancy to structural and project management services, our work is at the forefront of innovation, driving sustainable development and resilience across the nation.
I extend my heartfelt thanks to our team, partners, and stakeholders for their unwavering support and dedication. Together, we will continue to build a safer and more resilient Sri Lanka.
Warm regards,
Eng. (Dr.) Asiri Karunawardena Director General
Southwest Monsoon triggers Several Landslides in Kalutara, Ratnapura, Kegalle and several Other Districts
Mitipola, Eheliyagoda - Ratnapura District
Athwelathota - Kalutara District
Meerigama - Gampaha District
Dummaladeniya - Kegalle District
The Southwest monsoon prevailing in the country since mid-May 2023 has impacted several districts of the island, including Ratnapura, Kegalle, Kalutara, Kandy, Galle, Matara, and parts of Colombo, Gampaha, and Hambantota districts. This has triggered landslides, cutting failures, rock falls, and related incidents. The NBRO, through its district-level offices, has taken necessary measures to manage the landslide risk. The NBRO's early warning center operates 24 hours a day, continuously monitoring the situation and responding promptly. As a result, the loss of life and property damage caused by this monsoon season has been significantly reduced.
NBRO's Strategic Response to Managing Landslide Challenges During the 2024 Southwest Monsoon
During the Southwest Monsoon of 2024, Sri Lanka experienced significant rainfall, particularly affecting the central and southwestern regions. The Department of Meteorology had released weather forecasts indicating an above-normal onset of the southwest monsoon since mid-May. The heavy rainstorms triggered numerous landslides, causing widespread disruption and damage. The districts of Rathnapura, Kegalle, Kaluthara, Mathara, Galle, and Colombo were notably impacted, with major landslide incidents occurring.
Long-Term Solutions for Karandagolla-Maliththagolla Landslide in the Badulla District
The pre-landslide symptoms of Maliththagolla landslide were observed due to intense rainfall in December 2019. Subsequently, this potential landslide was reactivated on November 15, 2023, due to intense rainfall. According to investigations conducted by the National Building Research Organisation (NBRO), 13 houses have been identified as high-risk (8 houses in 2019 and 5 houses in 2023) and recommended for resettlement in safer areas. Furthermore, it reactivated again on April 21, 2024.
The mitigation of landslide risks at 46 locations has been completed under the Reduction of Landslide Vulnerability by Mitigation Measures Project (RLVMMP)
The Reduction of Landslide Vulnerability by Mitigation Measures Project (RLVMMP) implemented by the National Building Research Organization with financial assistance from the Asian Infrastructure Investment Bank (AIIB) (the project cost is USD 110 million) is working on stabilizing 128 landslide sites. So far, stabilization work has been completed on 46 landslide sites.
NBRO conducted a Knowledge-Sharing Session on the Significance of Aggregates in the Construction Industry
The National Building Research Organisation conducted an insightful knowledge-sharing session on the significance of aggregates in the construction industry on July 18, 2024. This event, held at the NBRO Auditorium, was specifically tailored for the technical divisions at NBRO, providing a valuable opportunity for NBRO professionals to deepen their understanding of this critical topic.
Swisstek Ceylon PLC partnered with NBRO for Developing Premium Construction Grout Materials
We are excited to share that Swisstek Ceylon PLC, a leading manufacturer of tiles (Lanka Tile), tile adhesives, and tile grouts, is broadening its product line to include structural construction materials. To facilitate this expansion, Swisstek Ceylon PLC has partnered with the National Building Research Organisation (NBRO) to utilize our technical expertise.
නායයෑම් ආපදා අවදානම අවම කිරීම සඳහා ප්රජා මූලික යාන්ත්රණයක් ස්ථාපිත කිරීමේ පළමු අදියර බදුල්ල දිස්ත්රික්කයෙන් ආරම්භ වෙයි
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NBRO and Century Zone (Pvt) Ltd. Collaborate on Innovative Fly Ash Block Development
National Building Research Organisation (NBRO), and Century Zone (Pvt) Ltd collaborated for a new research project on the development and initiation of product certification for fly ash-based blocks.
Development of National Tree Risk Management Policy
National Building Research Organisation is in the process of developing a Tree Risk Management Policy and manual guideline. A successful discussion on the same was held on May 31, 2024 at the NBRO with the participation of Prof. Upul Subasinghe, Professor and Dean of the Faculty of Applied Science, University of Sri Jayawardhenapura, Mr. N M S IArambepola, Former Director,Asian Disaster Preparedness Centre (ADPC), Eng. (Dr.) Asiri Karunawardena, Director General of NBRO, Director, Environment and Studies Division (ESSD), Director, Geotechnical Engineering Division (GED) and divisional representatives of the NBRO staff.
Impact-based Forecast and Warning (IbFW)
The collaborative efforts between NBRO and ADPC are expected to enhance the Impact-based Forecast and Warning (IbFW) to landslides, ultimately contributing to safer and more resilient communities.
Child-centered Landslide Disaster Risk Reduction (CCDRR) Program
The CCDRR program's conceptual framework is designed to extend beyond schools, encompassing villages, towns, cities, districts, and provinces, ultimately contributing to a resilient Sri Lanka. This initiative reflects NBRO's commitment to safeguarding communities and ensuring long-term disaster risk reduction nationwide.
Strengthening Landslide Disaster Risk Reduction: Insights from Bangladesh-Sri Lanka Knowledge Exchange Visit to NBRO
Enhancing the effectiveness of multi-hazard early warning systems is imperative for fortifying disaster risk reduction frameworks, thereby enhancing preparedness, response capabilities, and recovery measures in the face of calamities. To address this crucial need, the Asian Disaster Preparedness Center (ADPC) is orchestrating a knowledge exchange visit to Sri Lanka for the Ministry of Disaster Management and Relief (MoDMR) of Bangladesh, as part of the Bangladesh Preparedness Partnership (BPP), from May 6–9, 2024.
Site-specific Environmental and Social Management Plans for Mitigating Sites under RLVMMP
National Building Research Organisation (NBRO) implementing the Reduction of Landslide Vulnerability by Mitigation Project (RLVMMP) with the financial assistance of the Asian Infrastructure Investment Bank (AIIB) for mitigating/rectifying 140 unstable slopes in high-risk areas in 11 districts of 06 provinces of the country. The project is implemented in accordance with environmental and social safeguards and mandates of the AIIB and complying with national laws.
An Environmental and Social Management Framework (ESMF) was prepared as required by the AIIB Environmental and Social Safeguard Policy to provide a guide for the application of AIIB safeguards and national environmental and social mandates during the implementation of project actions. According to the recommendation of ESMF, Site Specific Environmental and Social Management Plans (SSE&SMP) are prepared for all sites as the environmental and social setting and health & and safety conditions are more site-specific.
The SSE&SMP gives planning, design, construction, and operation phase environmental, social, and health & safety management measures to be considered in the project Implementation. Besides, the plan includes the establishment of a grievance redress mechanism for the site. During the preparation of the SEESMPs project affected people and stakeholder organizations are consulted to make them aware of the project and to get their feedback and concerns. All SSE & SMPs are uploaded to the project website (https://rlvmmp.lk/).
වෙසක් පොහොය දින ‘භාවනා වැඩසටහන’
ශ්රී බුද්ධ වර්ෂ 2567 වන පින්බර වෙසක් පොහොය නිමිති කර ගනිමින් ජාතික ගොඩනැගිලි පර්යේෂණ සංවිධානය විසින් සංවිධානය කරන ලද භාවනා වැඩසටහන ශ්රී බුද්ධ වර්ෂ 2567ක් වූ වෙසක් මස 27 දින, ඇහැළියගොඩ, කදිරන්දොල ඇල්ල, ආරණ්යය සේනාසනාධිපති, භාවනා කම්මට්ඨානාචාර්ය කැළණියේ සීලදස්සන ස්වාමීන් වහන්සේගේ වැඩමවීමෙන් ආයතනය පරිශ්රයේ දී පැවැත්විය.
Poson Celebrations at NBRO Featuring ''Bhakti Geetha'' Performances
On July 5, 2024, the National Building Research Organisation (NBRO) celebrated Poson Poya Day with a series of "Bhakti Gee" performances. Each division showcased their musical talents and dedication with vibrant and soulful songs.
Sri Lanka Air Force Trainees Enhance Disaster Response Skills at NBRO
A comprehensive demonstration of NBRO's involvement in Disaster Risk Reduction (DRR) was an opportunity for the trainees to see firsthand how theoretical knowledge is applied in real-world scenarios, enhancing their understanding of the complexities involved in disaster management.
HAG Jayatissa Chinthaka Rathnasiri Madara Dissanayaka Anuruddha Vijekumara Ireka Perera