City: නුවර එලිය

ග්‍රීන් හිල් බන්ග්ලෝව්

ටොපෑස්, ,

Set amidst mountain ranges and lush greeneries, Green Hill Bungalow is conveniently situated within 2 km from Nuwara Eliya city centre and Nuwara Eliya Golf Club. It provides complimentary parking and offers free Wi-Fi access throughout the property. O ...

Telephone+94 77 139 1074
ටැප්‍රොස්පා ටයිම්වර් විලා

මැක්වුඩ්ස් ලබුකැලේ වතු, ලබුකැලේ, ,

Take a walk beyond Taprospa Tymawr Villa, a charming English cottage, enticed by the stunning vistas from its open air tea spa, and experience the cool and crisp mountain fresh air almost 6000 feet above sea level, amidst the rolling hills of carpeted tea ...

ටීබුෂ් හෝටෙල්

29, හැඩ්න් හිල් පාර, ,

The present hotel was very much a part of the famous British owned Haddon Hill Estate. It still retains the distinctive hall-mark of the famous Tudor type architecture, unique to the swellings of the wealthy land owners of the Victorian era rural England. ...

Telephone+94 52 222 2345
Fax+94 52 223 5272
ජෙට්වින්ග් ශාන්ත ඇන්ඩෘ

අංක 10, ශාන්ත ඇන්ඩෘ ඩ්‍රයිව්, ,

Amidst mountains swathed in mist and dotted with tea plantations, stands the quaint old mansion of Jetwing St. Andrews. A former country house converted into a Jetwing Hotel, life at Jetwing St. Andrews is reminiscent of the days of the British Raj. Ol ...

Telephone+94 11 234 5720
Fax+94 11 234 5729
හෙරිටන්ස් ටී ෆැක්ටරි

කඳපොල, ,

Where else in the world can you stay in a converted tea factory, pluck your own tea and take it home with you as a souvenir? At 2km above sea level, the views over our lush green organic plantations as the sun mingles with the mist are truly unforgettable ...

Telephone+94 52 555 5000
Fax+94 52 555 5000
හෝටෙල් ග්‍රීන් හිල්ස්

10, ග්ලෙන්ෆෝල් පාර, ,

Looking for that one room, one space, and one atmosphere that could be plotting to drown you in a plethora of heavenly pleasures? The crime of drowning you in pleasures can only be committed and justified in our charming new world, designed and brought to ...

Telephone+94 52 205 1701
ජේ.ඒ. ද සිල්වා සහ සමාගම

ග්රෑන්ඩ් හෝටලය, ,

Company Details Company Name | ජේ.ඒ.ද සිල්වා සහ සමාගම Product Description | Jewellery Address | ග්රෑන්ඩ් හෝටලය, නුවර එලිය Telephone | +9452-2222881 Fax | +9452-2222264/5 E-mail | [email protected] Contact Person Details Contact P ...



17 මාර්තු, 2024


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