Ghilli TAMIL

The story revolves around Velu, a wannabe kabaddi player and Dhanalakshmi, a village girl trying to flee from the clutches of her lover Mathupandi, a goon. When she is trying to flee ti the USA, Mathupandi stops her and this is when Velu, who has come to Madurai for his kabaddi tournament, rescues her and takes her to Chennai. Here, while she takes refuge in Velu's house unknown to his father, they fall for each-other, making Dhanalakshmi reluctant about going to USA.However, Velu is adamant and drops her to the airport before his match of the final of the National League. While he plays, his attention phased out as he misses Dhanalakshmi, a surprise awaits him in the stands. This is not all... The movie ends with an action scene where Mathupandi dies.


අප්‍රේල් 19 2024


Regal Cinema, Katubedda 04:30 PM City Lite Cinema: Mt. Lavinia 04:00 PM09:30 PM Concord: Dehiwala 10:30 AM01:30 PM04:30 PM07:30 PM10:30 PM Eros Cinema: Colombo 10:30 AM02:30 PM06:30 PM09:30 PM Savoy 3D Dolby ATMOS: Wellawatta 07:00 PM10:00 PM Savoy Premie


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