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චේ බයි රෙලිෂ්

60, ස්ට්රැට්ෆඩ් ඇවනියු, ,


Open: 11AM to 11PM Price Range: 500-1000 Rupees Directions: Stratford avenue is at the Kirulapone junction, you walk down the road and you'll find it near the huge Gandhara store

Telephone+94 11 255 3430
ඩයින්මෝ (මැරීන් ඩ්‍රයිව්)

මැරීන් ඩ්‍රයිව්, ,


Open: 11 AM to 11 PM Price Range: 200-500 Rupees Directions: Find Boswell Place on Galle Road, it'll be somewhat opposite the Commercial Bank ATM and Hotel Sapphire. Go down through Boswell Place to Marine Drive and it's right there on the left.

Telephone+94 11 566 1661
ලැටිටියුඩි (බුෆ් ටාජ්)

ගෝල් ෆේස් මැද පාර, ,


Directions: Go straight past the Galle Face roundabout (on the Galle Road) and you'll see it on your right.

Telephone+94 11 244 6622
නූඩ්ල්ස් (සිනමන් ග්‍රෑන්ඩ්)

සිනමන් ග්‍රෑන්ඩ් කොළඹ, 77, ගාලු පාර, ,


Open: 6.30PM to 11.30PM daily Price Range: 1000-1500 Rupees Directions: Cinnamon Grand is between Temple Trees and Galle Face on the CGHW highway stretch. Inside, walk into the lobby and take the stairs near Coffee Stop.


කොළඹ 01, ,


Open: 12.00 PM - 3.00 PM and 6.30 PM - 11.00 PM Price Range: 1500+ Rupees Directions: It's the first restaurant on your left as you come in through the main entrance at Dutch hospital (opposite the World Trade Center)

Telephone+94 11 244 1590 / +94 11 244 1591
රස මැලේසියා

ගල්කිස්ස වෙරළ, ද සේරම් පාර, ,

Open: 11.00AM to 11.00PM Price Range: 500-1000 Rupees Directions: From Galle Road, go down the road opposite Family Super Market (the one next to Odel), turn right, into Off De Saram Road till you reach the beach. It'll be a short walk towards your left ...


අංක 3, සුලයිමන් පෙදෙස, ,


Open: 10.00AM to 7.30PM daily (Closed on Sundays) Price Range: 500-1000 Rupees Directions: Coming down Jawatte Road, turn in to Sulaiman Terrace, Skrumptious is on a tiny side lane to the left.

Telephone+94 77 700 9995
කෑම සූත්‍ර

ආර්කේඩ් නිදහස් චතුරශ්‍රය, අංක 30, නිදහස් චතුරස්‍රය, ,


Open: 6.00 PM to 12.00 AM Price Range: 1500+ Rupees

Telephone+94 11 267 0722

අංක 145, ධර්මපාල මාවත (කෙට්න් කලෙක්ෂන්ස්), ,


Open: 10.00 AM - 10.00 PM Price Range: 1000-1500 Rupees Directions: Head up Dharmapala Mawatha, past the Ministry of Buddha Sasana, Ginger is at the Cotton Collection premises (Opposite the park)

Telephone+94 11 454 4302
ඇරේබියන් නයිට්ස්

379, ගාලු පාර, කොල්ලුපිටිය, ,


Open: 12.00 PM to 11.00 PM Price Range: 500-1000 Rupees Directions: It's a little past McDonalds on Galle Road, right opposite Amana Bank on your right

Telephone+94 11 230 1032
ද මටින් විෂ් මාකර්ටි

අංංක 31, ඩිල් පෙදෙස, ,


Open: 12PM to 11PM daily (but they close at 12AM Friday-Sunday and Open at 1.30PM Friday) Price Range: 1500+ Rupees Directions: From the Liberty Road junction head down Duplication Road, past St. Anthony's Mawatha till Deal Place. You can turn either wa ...

Telephone+94 11 230 1901
තරංග මෙත්තසේන

23, ජයන්තිපුර, ,

Telephone+94 11 287 7792
ශාමිණී රොද්‍රිගෝ

6 ස්වර්ණ පාර, ,

Telephone+94 77 723 4714
කුළු බඩු - කොළඹ හිල්ටන්, 02

කොළඹ හිල්ටන්, සර් චිත්තම්පලම් ඒ ගාඩිනර් මාවත, කොම්පඤ්ඤවීදිය,, ,


Feast on themed dinner buffets and à la carte dishes from around the world at this all-day dining Colombo restaurant. For lunch at the Hilton Colombo hotel, choose from a variety of Sri Lankan, Indian, Chinese and Western cuisine. Large windows offer impr ...

Telephone+94 11 243 7177
නෙස්කොෆී ෂොප්

වැල්ලවාය පාර,, ,

Telephone+94 77 180 4020
තර්ස්ට් ඒඩ් ස්ටේෂන්

අඹන්පිටිය වතු, ගලිගමුව, ,

Telephone+94 35 222 9664
කොසි රෙස්ටුරන්ටි

25, දුමිරිය පොල පාර, වැල්ලවත්ත, ,

Telephone+94 11 258 1359
ද වැරන්ඩා රෙස්ටුරන්ටි - ගොල් ෆේස් හොටෙල් රිජන්සි

02, ගොල් ෆේස් හෝටෙල් රිජන්සි, ,

Open air coffee shop facing the Indian ocean in the heart of Colombo, a part of one of the oldest hotels in Asia (1864). There is a square ''checkerboard patio'' design on the lawn close by, where cocktails are served. The day begins with a buffet breakfa ...

Telephone+94 11 254 1010


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