City: ගල්ඔය

ගල්ඔය ජාතික උද්‍යානය


Gal Oya covers 260km2 (100 sq miles) of scrub and open country around an artificial reservoir, the Senanayake Samudra (Senanayake Sea), named after Sri Lanka's first post-independence prime minister. Formed in the early 1950s by damming the Gal Oya River, ...

ගල්ඔය ජාතික උද්‍යානය


Gal Oya National Park in Sri Lanka was established in 1954 and serves as the main catchment area for Senanayake Samudraya, the largest reservoir in Sri Lanka. Senanayake Samudraya was built under the Gal Oya development project by damming the Gal Oya at I ...



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