Bandagiriya, a village located at the very far end of the Hambantota district is known well because of the ancient temple there. The rock on which the ancient stupas and other ruins are found today is considered the highest peak in the Hambantota district. Marked by the Bandagiriya tank by one side, this peak gives a wonderful panoramic view of the surroundings. The international airport of Hambantota is also visible from there.
Access to this place is provided through Hambantota - Meegahajadura road. Coming from Hambantota side, you have to turn RHS. There were no sights of a name board giving directions to the temple, but the access road can be easily located as there is a name board to Bandagiriya Village resort, which is on the same access road as the temple.
The ancient temple premises which spreads in an area of 100 acres, is believed to be done by king Kawanthissa, in the 2nd century BC. The name Bandagiriya is believed to be derived from the fact that two rocks were joined to construct the temple. The place contains couple of ancient inscriptions too.