හන්තාන පාර,, මහනුවර, ශ්රී ලංකාව, 10100
The Director Institute of Fundamental Studies Hantana Road, Kandy. Tel:081 ??2232002 Fax:081 - 2232131 - See more at: http://www.ifs.ac.lk/careers.php#sthash.5Bi8ZATa.dpuf
49, ඇල්ප්රඩ් හවුස් ගාඩ්න්, කොළඹ 03, ශ්රී ලංකාව
70, ඩී එස් සේනානායක මාවත, කොළඹ 08, ශ්රී ලංකාව
Resources available to scholars: Reference library of 9,000 books and a collection of palm leaf manuscripts.
73/5, ගාලු පාර, කොළඹ 03, ශ්රී ලංකාව
Public Information Center (PIC) 2nd Floor, DFCC Building, 73/5 Galle Road, Colombo 3, Sri Lanka Services: Access to development publications and data, free access to online databases and internet, project information services, Dissemination of deve ...
58, ධර්මාරාම පාර, කොළඹ 06, ශ්රී ලංකාව
Activities: Independent, non-governmental, feminist organization registered with the Department of Social Service. Library: The Library and Resource Centre at WERC had nearly 6,800 books at the end of 2013. The collection is mainly in English with a va ...
2ඒ, ග්රෙගරි මාවත, කොළඹ 07, ශ්රී ලංකාව
Activities: Publishes annual report. Resources available to scholars: Reference library of 4,500 books.
6 වන සහ 7 වැනි මහල, සෙත්සිරිපාය, බත්තරමුල්ල, ශ්රී ලංකාව
Activities: Publishes Urban Scene. Resources available to scholars: Reference library of 4,500 books, reports on town planning, dissertations on town planning.
රීඩ් මාවත, කොළඹ 07, ශ්රී ලංකාව
Activities: Research on demography and allied fields. Offers only a B.A. general degree. Resources available to scholars: Reference library of 10,000 books, special collection of research reports and working papers.
204, බෞද්ධාලෝක මාවත, කොළඹ 07, ශ්රී ලංකාව
Activities: Dissemination of UN information, seminars/workshops for interested parties and media/public outreach activities. Resources available to scholars: Reference library with 9,000 books and a special collection of UN and UN agency reports on Sri ...
යුනෙස්කෝ ජාතික කොමිෂන් සභාව, අධ්යාපන අමාත්යාංශය, 5 වැනි මහල, ඉසුරුපාය, බත්තරමුල්ල, ශ්රී ලංකාව
Email: [email protected]
200, කිරුළ පාර, නාරාහේන්පිට, කොළඹ 05, ශ්රී ලංකාව
Resources available to scholars: Reference library of 4,000 books and 4,000 pamphlets with special collection of workshop manuals.
17, වික්ටෝරියා පෙදෙස, ඇල්විටිගල මාවත, කොළඹ 08, ශ්රී ලංකාව
Activities: Publishes Sri Lanka Standards Year Book. Resources available to scholars: Reference library with 4,500 books and 350 periodical titles.
තැ 2204 නිදහස් චතුරශ්රය, කොළඹ 07, ශ්රී ලංකාව
Resources available to scholars: Reference library of 4,000 books, 25,000 videocasettes, cassette recorders, video players, video printer.
155/15, කාසල් වීදිය, කොළඹ 08, ශ්රී ලංකාව
Resources available to scholars: Reference library of 4,000 books with special collection on Sri Lanka law.
19, චෛත්ය පාර, කොළඹ 01, ශ්රී ලංකාව
Activities: Publishes Port News (weekly), Sri Lanka Ports Performance Review (monthly), Port Statistics (annual) and Ports of Sri Lanka Handbook . Resources available to scholars: Reference library of 2,500 books and 1,500 pamphlets with special collec ...
244, අලුත්කෙඩ් වීදිය, කොළඹ 12, ශ්රී ලංකාව
Resources available to scholars: Reference library of 10,000 books with special collection on Sri Lanka law.
28/10, මලලසේකර මාවත, කොළඹ 07, ශ්රී ලංකාව
Resources available to scholars: Reference library of 18,000 books with special collection on Sri Lanka government publications.