ක්‍රිස්තියානි ආගමික ආයතනRSS

වොල්වෙන්ඩල් පල්ලිය


Dutch Reformed Church was introduced to Sri Lanka by the VOC with its first church ministrations held in Galle on 6th October, 1642, almost 360 years ago. Its consistory in Colombo was established in 1658 marking the beginning of protestant church or what ...

ශාන්ත ලුසියා දේවස්ථානය - කොටහේන

කොටහේන, ,

St. Lucy of Sicily whose feast falls on December 13 is venerated the world over as the protectress against eye trouble. Legend has it that she had the most beautiful pair of eyes and that she pulled them out to present them to an unwelcome suitor who was ...

ශාන්ත අන්තෝනි දේවස්ථානය - කොච්චිකඩේ

කොච්චිකඩේ, ,

In Sri Lanka St. Anthony have many devotees and several Churches have been erected in his honour. Perhaps the most popular one that daily attracts people of every cast, creed or race is the one at Kochchikade, in the heart of the city of Colombo. One h ...

ශාන්ත අානා දෙව්මැදුර - තලවිල

තලවිල, ,

On the narrow tongue of land, known as the Kalpitiya peninsula, lying between the Puttlam Lake and the mighty Indian Ocean, nestles the cosy little Talawila, where the famous sanctuary of St. Anne stands. The country around the shrine is a waste of bleak ...

ශාන්ත සෙබස්තියන් දෙව් මැදුර - කොළඹ 12

සිල්වර්ස්මිත් මාවත, ,

Telephone(+94) (011) 2325295
ශාන්ත පිලිප් දෙව් මැදුර - කුරන

කටුකෙලියාව හන්දිය, ,

Telephone(+94) ( 031) 2237703


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