City: රඹුක්කන

ප්‍රධාන ස්ථාන තොරතුරු - රඹුක්කන


Telephone+94 35 226 5271
FaxNo fax number
පාර්ලිමේන්තු මන්ත්‍රි  ඒ ඩි චම්පික ප්‍රේමදාස

අංකත. 55/6, වතුර ටැංකි පාර, ,

Party United National Party(UNP) Portfolio Deputy Minister of Industry and Commerce Electoral District / National List Kegalle Date of Birth : 04-11-1948 Civil Status : Married Religion : Buddhism Profession / Occupation : Businessman Po ...

Telephone+94 35 226 6686 / +94 35 226 6685

කැගල්ල-රඹුක්කන පාර, ,

Pinnawala Elephant Orphanage is an orphanage, nursery and captive breeding ground for wild Asian elephants located at Pinnawala village, 13 km (8.1 mi) northwest of Kegalle town in Sabaragamuwa Province of Sri Lanka. Pinnawala is notable for having the la ...

Telephone+94 35 226 5284

කැගල්ල-රඹුක්කන පාර, ,

See baby jumbos wondering around their cramped foster home or bottle fed and bathed by their human foster fathers at Pinnawala, about 90Km from Colombo towards Kandy is the home to some 60 or more elephant orphans. A place you will really enjoy and never ...

Telephone+94 35 226 5284
එස් එස් සේනාධිර සිල්වා

බන්ගලාවත්ත , වේහැව, ,

Category: Chauffeur Chauffeur English , French , Arabic Registration No : C-0803

සී.බී. අබේරත්න

වැලිගමුව, කොටවැල්ල, ,

Telephone+94 35 226 6290 / +94 71 822 2817


17 මාර්තු, 2025


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